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This last summer I recommitted myself to God. I knew him when I was younger but I stopped caring. Throughout high school I tried doing life my own way and that only made things worse. I just finally realized that I couldn’t keep living my life that way and that I needed God. Ever since that moment my life has been transformed so much. 

With my senior year starting I needed God more than ever. I had no idea who I was supposed to be or what to do out of high school. I found a verse that really carried me through this year and my life. 

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight.” 

I just kept praying into that verse and giving my whole future to God. Shortly after this I had this strange urge to travel. I had this feeling that I had to go somewhere and do something. At first I didn’t quite know what it meant but I kept praying into it. When I heard about the World Race everything just clicked in my head. I just knew in my heart that God was telling me to do this. 

This trip will take me to three different countries over the course of nine months. I will have to raise $15,800 in total to cover all the expenses. This journey I am going on is going to take everything I have. I am asking for prayer during this time and if God puts it on your heart to give, then a donation. This will be the craziest thing I have ever done in my life and I am genuinely so excited that I get to serve God in this way. 

If any of you have questions about what I am doing then you can follow my blog or text me at 701-840-8643. Thank you for your prayers and support!


2 responses to “The Call”

  1. Noah i am not in a position to help you out financially right now but i will certainly be lifting you up in prayer. Missions trips really stretch you and not only does it help those you come in contact with grow; you will grow too.